Kane School District Policies
Effective School management requires sound, clearly written, legally valid policies. This Policy Reference Manual has been prepared for the Utah School Boards Association by Burbidge and White, L.L.C. to be used by school districts located within the State of Utah in meeting the need for such policies. The policies have been adapted to the needs of the Kane County School District and adopted by the Kane County School Board. The policies are based on the United States and Utah Constitutions, federal and state statutes, case law, Attorney General Opinions, State Board of Education Rules and Regulations and Federal Regulations. The following points of information and direction should be observed in use of this Policy Manual:
1. This Policy Manual is a tool that contains policies applicable to schools in most districts. The policies contained in this manual are broadly written to address the general needs of all schools in the district. It is likely that some of the policies will have to be modified to meet the specific needs of individual schools. This may be accomplished only by application to the School Board. In addition, it is likely that the Manual does not contain all the policies that the specific circumstances of a particular school may warrant. The School Board will seek input and render decisions as required.
2. The Policies contained in this manual are the policy of the Kane County School District. Change, modification, or deviation may only be made by the School Board.
3. Legal citations are not a part of the policies, but are provided so that each school can determine the source of a requirement embodied in a policy.
4. The laws governing school districts change frequently and, therefore, policies may need to be updated or added to the Policy Reference Manual from time to time. An "update policy service" available from the Utah School Boards Association in conjunction with Burbidge and White, L.L.C. is utilized to add new policies in light of changes in the law or as new needs are perceived.
5. The Policy Reference Manual is organized into seven primary reference sections, each devoted to a separate area of school district governance except the first section:
The Policy Reference Manual adopts the common practice followed throughout the nation of indexing policies by an alphabetic system of reference. Each section of the Manual is preceded by an index that lists the policy topics in that section with its respective alphabetic designation. Specific page numbers are not given and pages are not numbered consecutively. Thus, the Manual can be expanded by new policies following the existing alphabetic system without changing all index reference for policies previously adopted.
Margin notes provide a key to the content of the paragraph they accompany. However, such margin notes are not a part of the policy and should not be used to help interpret the policy.
At the bottom of each policy the reference "issue date" appears. When a policy is adopted and becomes a part of an individual school district's policies, each policy should show the issue date. The "most recent issue date" shows the most recently issued policy that supersedes any prior policy on the same subject.
Section B- Local District Governance
- BA Board Legal Status
- BAA Board Powers & Duties
- BAB Board Fiscal Responsibilities
- BBA Board Eligibility & Qualifications
- BBAA Board Members Student
- BBB Board Elections & Reapportionment
- BBC Board Vacancies
- BBD Board Members Conflicts of Interest
- BBF1 Board Code of Ethics
- BBF2 Board Code of Ethics (part 2)
- BBG Board Compensation
- BCA District Mission
- BCB Belief Statement
- BCC Educational Philosophy
- BD Board Internal Operations
- BDA Board Organization, Other Officers
- BDAB President of Board Duties
- BE Board Meetings
- BEA Notice Requirement
- BEB Board Meeting Recordings
- BEC Closed Meetings
- BED Meeting Locations
- BEE2 Electronic Meetings
- BF Community Involvement
- BFA School Closures and Boundary Changes
- BJA Superintendent Appointment
- BJB Superintendent Qualifications & Responsibilities
- BJC Superintendent Evaluations
- BJD Superintendent Dismissal
- BKA Business Admin Appointment
- BKB BA Qualifications and Responsibilities
- BKC Business Admin Evaluations
- BKD Business Admin Dismissal
- BL Administrative Personnel Appointment
- BLA Administrative Personnel Principals
- BLB Administrative Personnel Evaluations
- BM Charter School Sponsorship
- BU District Annual Reports
Section C- Business and Support Services
- CAA Revenue and Budgeting State
- CAAA Tax Increment Financing Project Agreement
- CAB Revenue and Budgeting Local Revenue
- CABA Revenue and Budgeting Local Foundation
- CAC Revenue and Budgeting Budget
- CAD District Audit Committee
- CAE Capital Outlay Reporting
- CAF Financial Reporting
- CAG District Fiscal Responsibilities
- CAH Program Accounting
- CAH-1 Special Education Time and Effort Funding
- CB Procurement
- CBA General Procurement Policy
- CBB Awarding Contracts by Bidding
- CBD Awarding Contracts by Requests and Proposals
- CBDA Request for Statement of Qualification
- CBDB Approved Vendor List Process
- CBDC Procurement of Professional Services
- CBE Small Purchases
- CBF Exceptions to Standard Procurement
- CBG Contracts and Contract Limitations
- CBH Interaction with other Procurement Units
- CBI Records of Procurement
- CBJ Contractor Oversight
- CBJA Education Contractor Oversight
- CBK Child Nutrition Program Procurement
- CC Procurement of Construction
- CCA School Construction Bidding
- CCB Construction Bonds and Security
- CCC Limitations on Change Orders
- CCD Drug and Alcohol Testing Construction
- CCE Construction Management Methods
- CCF Procurement of Architect/Engineer
- CCG Construction Requirements
- CD Appeals and Oversight of Procurement
- CDA Procurement Protests
- CDB Procurement Protests Appeals
- CDC Resolution of Disputes Existing Contracts
- CDD Procurement Violations and Offenses
- CE School Safety Plan
- CEA School Safety Video and Audio
- CEB District Emergency Response Plan
- CEBA KCSD Emergency Preparedness Plan
- CEC School Resource Officer Contract
- CED Armed School Security Guard Contracts
- CFA Use of School Facilities Employee Access
- CFB Employee use of Equipment
- CG School Plant
- CGA School Plant Hazardous Materials
- CGA Hazardous Materials Exhibit 1
- CGA Hazardous Materials Exhibit 2
- CGA Hazardous Materials Exhibit 3
- CH Accessibility by Disabled Person
- CI Risk Management
- CI Exhibit 1 Risk Management Guidelines
- CJ Transportation
- CJAA Transportation Planning and Funding
- CJAB Transportation Planning and Funding Evaluation
- CJAC Transportation Route Planning
- CJAD Transportation Site Planning
- CJBA Director of Transportation
- CJBB Transportation Drivers and Maintenance
- CJBC Transportation Personnel Training
- CJCA Transportation Equipment Bus Standards
- CJCB Transportation Equipment Inspection
- CJCC Transportation Equipment Advertising on School Bus
- CJDA Transportation Operations Communication
- CJDB Transportation Operations Pupil Management
- CJDBA Transportation Unauthorized Persons on Bus
- CJDBB Transportation Operation Charter Schools
- CJDC Transportation Lights and Railroad Crossings
- CJDD Transportation Operations Emergencies
- CJDE Transportation Bus Rentals
- CJDF CJDF Transportation Operations of District VehiclesOperations District Vehicles
- CJDG Transportation Operations Electronic and Telecommunications Devices
- CJDH Transportation Operations Post Route Inspections
- CK Cash Receipts and Expenditures
- CKA Credit Cards
- CKB Travel
- CKC Reimbursement Requests
- CKD Purchase Orders
- CKE Issuance of Checks
- CKF Journal Entries and EFTCKF
Section D- Personnel
- DAA Employment Objective Nondiscrimination
- DAB Employment Licensure
- KCSD LEA Specific Educator License
- DABA Paraprofessional Qualifications
- DABB Employment Student Support Scope of Practice
- DAC Employment Background Check
- DAC-1 KSD Timelines for Background Check
- DACA Duty to Personally Report Arrests
- DAD Employment Scope of Employment
- DADA Employee Transfer
- DADB KCSD Employees and Concealed Firearms
- DAE Employee Conflict of Interest
- DAF Ethics Policy Regarding Private but not Public Education
- DAG Employee Drug Policy
- DAG Policy Exhibit 1
- DAH Drug Testing of Bus Drivers
- DAI Employee Standard of Conduct
- DAJ Accommodations for Employee Religious Belief or Conscience
- DBA Contracts Certified Employee
- DBA-Kane Lane Advancement and LEA Policy
- DBAA Extra Duty Stipend
- DBB Contracts Classified Employee
- DBBA Employment Physicals and Disease
- DBC No Implied Contract Rights
- DBD Limitations on Extra Duty Assignments
- DBF-1 Kane Substitute Pay & Policy
- DBG Reemployment of Retired Employees
- DCA Administration Relations
- DCB Mediation of Contract Negotiations
- DCC Association and Organization Participation
- DDA Reporting of Child Abuse
- DDAA Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
- DDB Reporting of Students Prohibited Acts
- DDC Reporting Substantial Threats Against a School
- KCSD Early Retirement
- DEA Workers Compensation
- DEAB Procurement of Workers Compensation Insurance
- DEAC Personal Protective Equipment
- DEB Retirement
- DEC Risk Management Coverage for Employees
- DEC Policy Exhibit 1
- DED Kane Overtime Policy
- DFA Educator Induction Mentoring & Professional Learning
- DFC Employee Surveys
- DFD Teacher Leader
- DFE Highly Needed Educator Salary Supplement
- DG Employee Evaluation
- DG-1 Educator Evaluation
- DGD Liability Volunteers
- DHA Orderly School Termination of Employees
- DHAA KSD Local Classified Employees
- DHB Reduction in Force
- DHC Redress of Grievance
- DHCD Credit for Prior Teaching
- DHD Employment Relations Payroll Deductions
- DHDA Employment Relations Employee Association Leave
- DI Legal Defense of Employees
- DJ Employee References and Letters of Recommendations
- DKAB Hiring Preference of Veterans and Veteran's Spouses
- DKAC Nepotism
- DKB Sexual Harassment
- DKB Policy Exhibit 1
- DKBA District Employee and Student Relations
- DKC Family Medical Leave Policy
- DKC Policy Exhibit 1
- DKC Policy Exhibit 2
- Family Medical Leave Poster
- DKCA Catastrophic Sick Leave
- DKD-1 Employee Leave
- DKD Nursing Mothers
- DKE Postpartum and Parental Leave
- DLA Employee Bullying or Hazing
- DLB Grievances Regarding Abusive Conduct
- DLEA KCSD Teacher Licensing District Specific
- DLEA KCSD Teacher Licensing District Specific Application
- DMA Personally Owned Electron Communication Devices
- DMB Electronic Communication Devices Used for District Purposes
- DMC Use of District Email for Political Purposes
Section E- Instruction
- EAA Instruction Goals Adoption and Purpose
- EBA Term of instruction School Year
- EBB Term of Instruction School Day
- EBC Term of Instruction Summer School
- ECA Curriculum Required Instruction
- ECBA Curriculum Elective Instruction Pass Fail
- ECBB Curriculum Elective Instruction Drivers Ed
- ECC Curriculum Early Learning Plan
- ECCA Curriculum Reading Achievement for K-3
- ECCB Curriculum Mathematics Assessment for K-3
- ECD Curriculum American Sign Language
- ECE Curriculum College Course Work
- ECF Curriculum Religious Neutrality
- ECG Curriculum American Heritage
- ECH Curriculum Human Sexuality
- ECI Curriculum Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- ECJ Curriculum Ethnic Studies
- EDA Special Programs Alternative Language
- EDB Special Programs At Risk and Dropout Reduction
- EDC Special Programs Education of Youth in Custody
- EDD Special Programs Gifted and Talented
- EDE Special Programs Special Education
- EDF Special Programs Heath Care Occupation Programs
- EDG Special Programs Financial Passport
- EDH Special Programs Students Internships
- EEA Instructional Resources Copyrighted Materials
- EEB Instructional Resources Internet Policy
- EEC Instructional Resources Instruction Materials
- EED Instructional Resources Teaching Supplies
- EEE Instructional Resources Evaluation & Selection of Instructional Materials
- EEEA Instructional Resources Evaluation & Selection of Library Materials
- EEEB Instructional Resources Evaluation & Selection of Classroom Materials
- EEEC Instructional Resources Evaluation & Selection of other Instructional Materials
- EEF Acceptable Use Policy—Internet
- EEF Abbreviated Signable Acceptable Use Form
- EEG KSD Social Media
- EFA Grading Progress Reports to Parents
- EFB Grading Testing Procedures and Standards
- EFBA Kindergarten Assessments
- EFBB Grading Testing Procedures and Standards Assessment Exclusions
- EFC Grading of Private/ Home School Students in U-Pass
- EFD Grading Course Grade Forgiveness
- EGA Guidance Student Education Plan Occupation Plan
- EGB Work Based Learning
- EHA Graduation Requirements
- EHA-1 Graduation Requirements
- EHAA Graduation Attire
- EHE Graduation Adult Education Graduation
- EHE-1--KCSD Specific Adult Education Graduation Requirements
- EI Foreign Exchange Students
- ER School Library Materials
- EU KSD Digital High School
- EUA KSD Concurrent Enrollment
- EUB EdNet Snow College College Conversion of Credit
Section F- Students
- FA Equal Educational Opportunities
- FAA Evaluation of Interscholastic Athletic Participation
- FAB Transgender Students
- FABA Participation in Sex-Designated Athletic Activities and Teams
- FABB Use of Sex-Designated Facilities
- FAC Services for Homeless Students
- FAD Student Notifications
- FBA Admissions and Attendance Eligibility and Requirements
- FBAA Admissions and Attendance Foreign Exchange Students
- FBAB Admissions and Attendance Military Children
- FBAC Admissions and Attendance Kindergarten
- FBB Admissions and Attendance Compulsory Attendance
- FBBA Dual Enrollment
- FBBB Participation in Online Education
- FBBC Home-Centered Enrollment
- FBC Coordinating Services for School Age Youth
- FBD Enrollment and Attendance Verification
- FBE Admission and Attendance Support Centers
- FBF Reentry Into Public Schools
- FDA Health Requirements Vision Screening
- FDAB Health Requirements and Services Immunization
- FDAC Health Requirements Medical Treatment
- FDACA Medical Treatment DNR Directives
- FDACB Medical Treatment Student Self Treatment Diabetes
- FDACC Health Requirements and Services Students with Food Allergies
- FDACD Health Requirements and Services Students Asthma Emergency
- FDACE Health Requirements and Services Medical Recommendations by School Personnel to Parents
- FDACF Medical Treatment Student Self Application of Sunscreen
- FDAD Health Requirements Communicable Diseases
- FDAE Students Infected with HIV
- FDAF Concussion and Head Injuries
- FDB Student Health--Suicide Prevention
- FDC School Breakfast Program
- FDD Student Welfare Child Abuse
- FDE Wellness Policy Adoption Process
- FDE-1 KSD Wellness Policy
- FDEA Wellness Policy Food Sales
- FDG Period Products in Schools
- FDF Positive Behaviors Plan
- FDH Kindergarten Student Toilet Training
- FE Student Records
- FEA Education and Family Privacy
- FEC Noncustodial Parent Access to Records
- FED Student Data Protection
- FF Student Activities
- Memorandum on Monday Night Building Closure
- KSD Camps and Clinics Policy
- FFA Student Activities Publications
- FFB Student Activities Secret Societies
- FFC Student Travel
- FFD Student Activities Nonenrolled students in extracurricular activities
- FG Clubs Curricular and Noncurricular Student Groups
- FGAA Student Conduct Demonstrations
- FGAB Student Conduct Policy Electronic Devices
- FGAC Bus Conduct
- FGAD Student Rights and Responsible Bullying
- FGB Married Students
- FGC Pregnant Students
- FGD Interrogations and Searches
- FGD KCSD Search and Seizure
- FGE Student Complaints
- FGD Interrogations and Searches
- FGF Student Dress
- FH Student Discipline
- FHA Safe Schools
- FHAA Safe Schools Alcohol and Drugs
- FHAB Safe Schools Sexual Harassment
- FHAD Safe Schools Discipline of Students with Disabilities
- FHAE Safe Schools Disruptive Student Behavior
- FHAF Safe Schools Emergency Safety Interventions
- FHAG Tobacco and Electronic Cigarettes
- FHAH-1 Student Cell Phone and Electronic Devices
- FHB Student Courts
- FHC Notification from Juvenile Courts
- FHD Relations with Governmental Authorities
- FI Student Fees Fines and Charges
- FJ Students Leaving With Adult
- FK Student Uniforms
- FKL Athletic Uniforms
- FL Memorials on School Grounds
Section G- Community
- GA Public Information Program Public Records
- GB Public Complaints
- GBA Board of Education Hotline
- GC Community Use of School Facilities
- GC--Local Building Use Policy Exhibit
- GCA Conduct on School Premises
- GCB Community Support Groups
- GCBA Parental Participation
- GCC Child Care
- GCD Political Party Use of School Facilities
- GCE Parent Rights to Academic Accomodations
- GCF Animals on School Premises
- GCG School Climate Surveys
- GD Parent Access to Curriculum
- GDA Parent Access to Student Library Information
- GE School Community Councils
- GF Fundraising Activities
- GF Policy Exhibit 1
- GFA Non-School-Sponsored Activities and Fundraising
- GFB KSD Camps & Clinics
- GG Gifts and Donations
- GH Honorary Diplomas for Veterans
- GJ Child Sexual Abuse and Human Trafficking Prevention Education
- GK Authority of Separated Parents
- GL Released Time Classes
- GM Flags on School Property