Over the last three years universities across the state have paused the requirement for enrolling students to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of the admission process. In February of 2024, the University of Utah made the decision to indefinitely extend the removal of the two nationally normed tests. According to recent reports from FariTest nearly 2,000 colleges in the U.S. no longer require ACT or SAT scores for admission. Although the ACT and SAT tests are no longer required, students can still submit their test scores if they feel it will help them be accepted. One advantage of taking the ACT is if a student scores high enough in Language Arts for example, they may be able to waive an intro course for college credit. The state of Utah currently pays for all 11th-grade students to take the ACT. Last week in the Kane County School District we had nearly 100 students in Kanab and Valley take the ACT test.