Concurrent enrollment is a program where high school students can enroll in college courses simultaneously and receive both high school and college credit from the same class at the same time. Concurrent enrollment courses are incredibly affordable at just $5.00 per credit hour and save students time pursuing a higher education degree. Last year Kanab High School had 13 students who graduated with a college General Education Certificate, which means they completed all of their general education courses while in high school. All universities in Utah will accept a general education certificate and allow students to transfer their credits to the higher education institution of their choice. Kane School District offers concurrent enrollment courses through Dixie State University, Snow College, Southern Utah University, and Weber State University. We appreciate our partnership with the Dixie State University Kanab Center Students are taking advantage of concurrent enrollment classes at an exponential rate with a 830% increase in credits earned over five years. The following graph shows the number of students, classes, and credits earned at Kanab High School over the past five years. If you have questions about concurrent enrollment courses, please visit your student’s high school counselor.