According to a recent Utah State Board of Education press release, Utah’s public education system decreased by 4,873 students, or a .7% decrease from last year. Over the past 12 years, enrollment counts in elementary grades have generally decreased, while enrollment counts in secondary grades have increased. The largest decrease in student enrollment across the state is found in grades K-2. While some districts like Alpine show a slight increase in total K-12 enrollments, others like Davis and Kane School District saw a minor decrease. Utah public schools conduct student enrollment counts based on the number of students enrolled on October 1st, which is tied directly to the distribution of state and federal funds to each district and charter school. Kane School District’s October 1st count for the 2023-24 school year is 1408 students, a decrease of 18 students across the district. The largest student enrollment in Kane County School District was in 1959, when we had 1546 students. The largest class in the district is 92 students in the 7th grade at Kanab Middle School. A graphical representation from 1951 to the present of the October 1 count for the Kane County School District can be seen below