On April 11th, during the regularly scheduled school board meeting, the board of education recognized the Sterling Scholars from Valley and Kanab High Schools. Students received $100 from the district for their time and efforts in the Sterling Scholar program. Jodi Cox from Valley High was selected as a General Scholarship runner-up and received $500 to the university of her choice from the district. We would like to congratulate the Sterling Scholars for their academic accomplishments! The 2023 Sterling Scholars are as follows:
VHS Sterling Scholars
Jodi Cox – General Scholarship RUNNER-UP
Hazel Harris – Speech & Drama
Ike Staples – Music
KHS Sterling Scholars
Mia Thebeau – Music
Tawvoots Spute – Ag Science
Max Kartchner – Mathematics
Steven Luo – Computer Technology
Trevor Legler – Business & Marketing
Shelby Springall – Science
Andy Luo – Speech & Drama