On November 11, 2021, schools across the Kane School District held Veteran’s Day programs to honor our veterans and teach our students about the importance of honoring those who served our country. At Kanab Elementary, the American Legion Post 69 presented the flag, and the KES choir sang the National Anthem followed by students reading patriotic essays. We would like to thank Clint Nielsen for his talk on patriotism. Valley Elementary’s 4th grade, guest speaker Sgt. Jeff Cox gave a message on veterans and patriotism. Students sang patriotic songs and pins were presented to veterans by the 3rd grade. The 5th and 2nd grades made thank you cards for the veterans. At Kanab Middle School, the American Legion Post 69 helped with the passing of the flag to Kolton Blomquist to raise the flag and students sang the National Anthem. Levi Steward lead students in the Pledge of Allegiance, Alyvia Daley and Hayden Gubler read patriotic essays followed by Captain Clay Petty speaking on veterans and patriotism. Big Water students attended the Veteran’s Day parade in Page. Kanab High and Valley High also held veteran’s assemblies. We would like to thank all our veterans for attending our schools and helping instill patriotism and thank them for their service to our country.