Each year the Utah State Board of Education administers the ACT college entrance exam to all juniors across the state where in 2019, 43,790 students took the assessment. ACT reported 24 percent of Utah juniors met all of the college readiness benchmarks; English, mathematics, reading and science. In English, 57% met the college benchmark, 37% reached the benchmark in mathematics, 42% in reading and 34% in science. Utah is one of 15 states to test 100% of high school juniors and Utah and Wisconsin posted the highest average ACT at 20.3 composite average. Research has shown there is a direct correlation between higher ACT scores and more rigorous coursework in high school with four or more years of English, three or more years of math & science. The Kane School District is pleased to report the graduating class of 2019 earned the highest ACT composite scores over the past five years and surpassed that Utah State Average with an ACT score of 20.9. We would like to congratulate our students, teachers, and parents on this outstanding accomplishment. The following is a five-year ACT summary for the juniors in the Kane School District.

Ben Dalton