KSD Pandemic Proclamation

Whereas, the Coronavirus (COVID-19} caused a closure of all Kindergarten through 12 grade Utah schools on March 13, 2020; and

Whereas, the Kane School District employees continued to provide remote online instruction, and deliver school lunch for students in Kane County and Fredonia, AZ; and

Whereas, daily online instruction was provided to all students in the district with the help of South Central Communications providing free internet to students during the pandemic; and

Whereas, these organizations, including parents, supported Kane County’s most vulnerable children to ensure they have access to online learning; and

Whereas, the Kane School District increased professional development opportunities to support remote learning through Southwest Educational Development Center (SEDC}, which trained more than 85 educators; and

Whereas, the Kane School District leveraged state and federal funding to support social and emotional health services for students and teachers, and to purchase all needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE}, sanitation equipment and resources, and COVID tests and testing, in order to be compliant with State Health Department guidelines.

Whereas, the Kane School District opened schools to in -person instruction on August 19, 2020; and

Whereas, Kanab City provided federal CARES Act funding of $75,000 to Kane School District to purchase additional PPE for public education; and

Whereas, the Kane School District supported education efforts with wireless hotspots and equipment, software protection, and personal Chromebooks for each student in the district, key online learning systems, and software; and

Whereas, the Kane School District teachers provided daily home instruction and classroom instructional recordings to students who were quarantined or most vulnerable for the 2020-2021 school year; and

Whereas, students in Kane School District will complete 180 days of in-person instruction and exceed the minimum 990 hours of instruction required by R277-419, set by the Utah State Board of Education. These measures resulted in Kane District students exceeding state reading benchmarks on middle-of-year Acadience assessments.

Now therefore, the Kane County School Board hereby issues this Proclamation of Accomplishment and appreciation to acknowledge those who worked diligently to initiate and successfully implement educational student learning opportunities to all KCSD students; Kane County School District expresses appreciation to all stakeholders who made the 2020-2021 school year a success, on this 13th Day of April 2021,