School Resource Officer Appreciation
With the recent completion of America’s Safe Schools Week, the third week of October, which aims to make schools safer and more secure, we would like to thank the Kane County Sherriff’s Office and the Kane County Commissioners for their continued support of a School Resource Officer (SRO) in our school district. Last year the Kane County School District partnered with the Kane County Sherriff’s Office to provide a full-time School Resource Officer in the district. Without the cooperative effort of Sherriff Tracy Glover, County Commissioners and the Kane County School Board, a School Resource Officer would not have been possible. Officer Kelly Lamb was hired as the SRO last year and has been a tremendous asset to our schools, where he has assisted school administration with increasing school security, aiding in investigations, working to improve truancy, providing student presentations on bullying prevention, implementing Standard Response Protocol for lockout, lockdown, evacuate, and shelter and place in our schools. Officer Lamb has also assisted with Safe Routes to School and school safety committee recommendations. We would also like the thank law enforcement officers who work for the area cities and provide assistance to our schools. These collaborative efforts with law enforcement and the district are greatly appreciated.
Ben Dalton
Kane School District