Student Registration 2019-20

Student Registration 2019-2020

Student registration for the 2019-2020 school year opened on July 29th.  The Kane School District registration process is the same for all schools and available online for your convenience.  Online registration is available on the district web page or by selecting the following link

In an effort to assure contact information is correct, all parents will need to re-register and verify the accuracy of phone numbers, addresses, and to fill out the necessary forms. Please be aware that parents and students will still need to come to the school to pay school fees (where applicable), select lockers, and receive schedules for secondary students. We encourage everyone to fill out the online lunch application forms as they provide funding for our food service and federal school funding programs. The Kane County School Board has reduced school fees again this year for student activities and Chromebook usage. Fee waiver applications and additional registration information can be found on the Kane School District web page at Additional efforts have been made to provide more information and transparency to the parents and students on the extracurricular fee associated with each program. If you need assistance with online registration process, please go to the school beginning August 1stwhere the school secretary, counselor or building administrator would be happy to help with the process. Registration information for our schools is as follows:

Kanab Elementary School:  

July 29: Online registration 

August 1-6, 8, 9: In person registration 

Kanab Middle School: 

July 29: Online registration 

August 5 8thgrade registration from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

August 6:7thgrade registration from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Kanab High School: 

August 5Junior and Senior registration, 8:30 am -12:30 pm & 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

August 6Freshmen and Sophomore registration, 8:30 am -12:30 pm & 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Valley High School: 

July 30 from 7:00 am- 6:00 pm

Valley Elementary: 

July 29 through August 9,  8:00 am – 3:00 pm

Big Water School: 

July 30, 31, August 1, 5, 6, 8, 12. Times for all days will be 8:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Lake Powell School: 

August 5: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm