Legislative Update

The Utah Legislature has been discussing many educational bills this session. One bill that has received attention is S.B. 178 Devices in Public Schools. S.B. 178 is sponsored by Senator Fillmore and if this passes, it would prohibit cellphones in school. In the bill, a cell phone is defined as a smartphone, mobile phone, feature phone, satellite phone, or personal digital assistant that incorporates capabilities similar to a smartphone.  Classroom hours do not include lunch periods, transit time between classes or after school activities.  If the legislation passes, our current district policy  FHAH-1 KCSD Student Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy would not be affected. The KCSD Student Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy FHAH-1 states the following:  

KCSD Student Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy FHAH-1
Cell phones and electronic devices will be allowed before school, during lunch, and after
school. Principals may adjust time restrictions as needed for their individual schools. They may not be used in the classroom except with teacher direction for educational purposes.
1st Offense:
Cell phones and electronic devices that disrupt the learning environment will be
confiscated by the classroom teacher, at which point the teacher will determine the
severity of the infraction. This may include a conversation with a student about
appropriate cell phone use in their classroom, or the student may be referred to the
principal’s office. The cell phone will be returned to the parent or student at the end of the day with parent notification.
2nd Offense:
The cell phone will be returned to the parent.
3rd Offense:
The cell phone will be returned to the parent. The cell phone will be checked in at the front office during school hours on a case-by-case basis from that point forward, as determined by the principal.
Student medical plans will be approved on a case-by-case basis for electronic use.