With schools in the Kane District transitioning to the 4th quarter of the 2020-2021 school year, you may be wondering if we will hold our traditional end-of-year programs such as graduation, prom, honors banquets, award banquets, etc. Under the current public health orders, and pending no additional modifications or adjustments, we are planning to hold as many of these activities in person as possible. In addition, we may also try to digitally stream these activities where possible. We may be required to limit seating or slightly modify our plans, but we are going to do everything we can to transition back to our traditional end-of-year activities. We would like to thank everyone for their patience over the past year with the many changes we have been required to implement in our schools in response to COVID 19. It has been wonderful to transition back to in-person music concerts, dance reviews, and student recognition performances. We are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to celebrate our student’s academic and end-of-year achievements with our traditional banquets and social gatherings in person.